Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Shape of Religion and Belief Before the advent of Islam Arab Society.

      Days before the arrival of Islam known as Ignorance, starting from the moment of the collapse of the dam until the time of arrival of a dear Islam (610 M).Features Pagan community, do not have prophets and the scriptures as a guide. Muhammad received the first revelation pad 610 M. The word pagan meaning stupid meet the characteristics of the community during that time in all aspects of life.Ignorance of public trust is divided into two, namely, religious beliefs and indigenous beliefs. Religious belief is that the forms of religion practiced by the Arabs, while the more traditional beliefs and superstitions is an old tradition inherited. Indigenous beliefs have no concept of worship instead forming part of their cultural life.

Divided into two, namely religious beliefs Religion celestial (sky religion) revealed by God through the prophets and have books, and ardhi religion (religion invention) designed by the man himself.

1. Religion Hanif:

Religion revealed to Prophet Ibrahim. Adherents held Kunafa ". It does not have the book but suhuf. Religion is borne as the One God. Among the personalities who profess this religion is Waraqa ibn Nawfal and the Prophet Muhammad himself.

2. Judaism:

Religion professed by the pre-Islamic Arab society. The religion brought by Prophet Musa and have the scriptures, the Torah. However tribe Bani Israel has changed the content of this book for the sake of personal interest to religion is considered Shirk because Allah timing.

3. Christianity:

This religion has also been perverted by the clergy of that religion. Although God has revealed the Gospel to Jesus, but this religion has changed the original contents. The original religion of Christianity known by the title of Book.

4. Religion Mwathani:

The majority of people profess ignorance Mwathani, namely religious worship idols made of stone, wood or gold. Some Arabs believe that idols can provide benefit and harm, have the blessings and the like. There were 360 idols around the temple. Among the most popular is the Al-Uzza, Al-Manat, and Al-Hubal.

5. Religion Zoroastrianism:

Religion is also called Zoroaster and comes from Farsi. They worship the sun and fire. Zoroastrian priests worshiped the sun 4 times in one day. This religion contains many absurd stories and also legalize marriage between mother and child and siblings.

6. Religious worship Cekarawala:

They worshiped the sun, moon and stars and assume all cekarawala is a source of energy and strength.

7. Religion Animism:

They worship the objects of the environment such as trees, water and trees they believe is the source of life and the dry desert as a place of residence of an evil god.

8. Religious Worship Creatures Fine (Polydemonisme):

They worshiped, Jin, ancestral spirits and the like. These creatures are considered to have supernatural powers and can be a medium with God, and ensure their safety.

9. Worship the Lord Desert.

Adherents called Ahl-al-Saf ('Asalam-saf'). They believe that the desert existed but never found. Practice they bring the fire at night and walk in the middle of the desert while singing.

10. Superstition:

     Beliefs paper talismans
     Souls of the dead into birds.
     Believed to astrologers.
     Believe in witches.
     Pet believe that crossing in the middle travels If left leads to ugliness, while to the right will bring good.
     Sacrificing daughter is a noble act.
     Lacing on any tree, if the bond tightly husband on his return from overseas, this means that his wife has been unfaithful.
     Making the decision by the arrows.


Pagan community life picture above shows they do not have clear rules of life, but according to the desires alone.

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