Sunday 11 January 2015

Community Trust in Melayu Way

Discuss Various Forms of Faith In Life Malaysian Malay Before Arrival West.


     Forms and religious beliefs.
     Extremely effective against all human behaviors in life.
     Difficult to detect significant differences in beliefs and religious community.


Animism Community Malaya:

     Belief in spirits or supernatural forces that have momentum.

     Living / non-living has a spirit and enthusiasm as mountains, large trees, large rocks, rivers and so on.

     Delicate creatures such as demons, ghosts, spirits and the like may affect such good fortune, health, harmony and vice versa as doom and disaster.

     Hold ceremonies of worship such as puja beach in Terengganu, Pahang rice spirit, played the princess, main god, discontinue medication and so on to prevent disasters or ask for help.

     Anything to do with people's lives like a traditional Malay rice planting, down to the sea, into the forest and cure diseases.

     The ceremony is believed to be able to guarantee their safety, soil fertility, crop yield and so on.

     Require the intermediary between the human and supernatural powers or spirits as the common man is not able to communicate with them.

     The mediator is a shaman, healer or shaman whose role is to appease supernatural forces from interfering with small children, women in labor, sick people and so on. They believe in magic, amulets and charms.

     Practice incantation, lime, purple, yellow, eggs, flowers, weapons dan so.

     The musical that has to do with the supernatural smoked with incense and whiting and stored in a high place and properly maintained.

  Animism in Sarawak:

     Melanau people believe in ghosts particular cause disease
     Ghost which causes abdominal pain and cramps, ghost heaven brings headaches and fever, desert ghost brings swollen feet and joints of the hands.

  Animism in Sabah:

     Ilanun people believe the disease has nothing to do with the devil.
     Believe the science of inner and hidden things like science lemonade (unseen), kublak (immune), dualatut (beaten no pain), mabagar (strong), Archer (scary enemies with sound)
     Sabah Bumiputera people also believe the jimbaran (the defense) and the inclusion of Pok-Pok (trajectory).
     Held a ceremony to entertain the ghost to prevent disease overwritten.
     Murut people believe Aki Kopuno (trusted authority in all things) that can help solve the problem.
     Shaman Babalion be intermediate between humans and Aki Kopuno.


     Practices and religious beliefs have shaped their social system.
     However, after the advent of Islam most practices have changed their lives.
     But there is still practice animism and Hindu-Buddhist influence that is still practiced.

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