Social inequalities of economyin Japan

Describe the development of the industrial economic system in Japan
In 1868, Japan's feudal economic system was replaced by a system of administration and Western-style economy exercised by Emperor Meiji of Japan makes more respected in the West.
Meiji era makes Japan the strongest country in Asia. Modernizing Meiji era also makes Japan emerged as the most developed economic exchange trading economies in East Asia.
Japan's national development through industrialization can be seen from four industrial elements. Ie proto-industry, development through investment, transition areas and economic dualism.
The important:
The agriculture sector is a major contributor to the economy of Japan. The agricultural sector accounted for almost 60% of Japan's total government revenue. Agricultural exports such as silk and tea were most accommodating purchase of machinery and industrial materials imported from the West. Japan's agricultural productivity is very high and managed to keep the Japanese proto-industrial production areas outside the City and Bandar.Industri-proto refers to a form of manufacturing production and organization. Improved and increased investment achieved through domestic investment in industry and infrastructure. Central government and local governments coordinate local construction.
The Japanese government is also developing a company winding silk factories in Tomioka modern and Maebashi in 1870, cotton spinning factory in Nagoya in 1875, and wool yarn factory in Senju in Meiji 1875.Kerajaan also build a cement plant in 1875 and Fukugawa pad Shinnagawa glass factory in 1876. to ensure sustainable industrial development, the Meiji government has handed most of these industrial property to several companies such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda zaibatsu and other lain.Kemunculan has accelerated industrialization and the growth of capitalism in Japan .
The emergence of economic dualism in the 1910s as a driver for heavy industries such as industrial chemicals, iron and steel, machinery boosted demand for skilled labor flexibility. Laborers were categorized according to skill and capital markets appeared in Japan after 1910-an.Sektor who need and use high labor earns more rendah.Ini called dualism. Economic dualism also contributed to income inequality and caused social unrest in the country. Use the best methods in agriculture has contributed to the advancement of the provinces that are less productive. gathering and dissemination of quality seeds has increased agricultural productivity across negara.Pada the same time, advances in agriculture occurred when using agricultural teknoligi imported from the West.
The use of steam power technology has improved productivity and reduce costs, electric power consumption allows each machine separately diselengara and make all electrical machinery factory use. Social capacity to import and adapt foreign technology to improve after the War of the Pacific. Japanese government to create a social consensus in the implementation of land reform and farm subsidies, reducing the political divide, extending compulsory education, and split zaibatsu had a positive impact.
The establishment of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). MITI act as a single buyer economy and play a role to reduce competition among Japanese industry and can control the price to be paid to Western technology. Quality control in industrial installations have been implemented and employees velajar diligently how to operate the machine other than trying to remove the components themselves. Japan successfully revolutionized the assembly industry in the 1950s and 1960s
Japan's industrial development has four industrial element of proto-industry, investment, and economic transition areas dualism. Rapid industrialization and modernization of Japan contributed to the massive increase in production and infrastructure
Japan built industries such as shipbuilding and steel investment tax berkaliber.kesannya later sold to entrepreneurs, local companies become consumers of Western technology and use to produce goods that can be sold cheaply on international markets

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